(no subject)

Sep 27, 2012 23:55

I have had my very first taste of migraine. It only cost me 6 days of my life so far...
And now I'm seriously pissed off

14 days of vacation is all I long for after a long year of work work work.

And sunday, when my two weeks of bliss had just started, I was hit by a migraine.
Now, If you've never had the pleasure of encountering a migraine before, let me describe it like this:
You take your worst headache ever and multiply by 10. For 5 days straight.

You can't eat because the pain is so intense you vomit at the very thought of food.
You can't hold down meds because you're throwing up your stomache.
En plus, you can't sleep because the pain is forbidding you from diving into that sweet sanctuary called sleep.

Every footstep is an earthquake
Every breeze is like a hurricane
Rays of sunshine make feel like Claudia from interview with a vampire at her final moments

So now, while I should be at home spending time with my mate, enjoying our final precious days off, I'm hospitalized.

Two days at the frickin' hospital for a migraine that prevented me from eating for 5 days.

Yes, I'm grateful. The awesome meds here has cured me. And I would like no more rhan to sing my halleluias.

But I can't. I'm in a stuffy room with a smelly old bat who wants to sleep early, leaves the light in the bathroom on and insists on closing the hallway door.

I on the other hand am a night person, hate leaving unneccesary lights on and always sleep with an open door.

So yeah, screw you migraine.
Migraine's evil.
Forget nuclear weapons or terrorism.
Put a stopper to migraine and watch the nations throw themselves at your mercy.

And I'm still bored...
Thank dog for mobile interwebz

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