Oh me god, my hair is BROWN for the first time in about six years. Its lovely shade of chocolate, which is not to be mistaken for Sarah Golomb's hair color which is a shade lighter than that of chocolate and is entiled bitter shit. Its simply lovely on her though, and we look rather similar. Perhaps more people will ask if we are related, suffering from a "pete and pete" complex. Though, if we are indeed related, I failed to inherit her balls thus revealed in the following comment directed to our "friend" the anonymous commenter.
A dingo ate my baby... Lets recap. Spent the weekend with the coolest people in the world... Kelly, Golombki, Christopher I-need-you Daley, Bennie Bennie Vicci, Andrew, Nicholeio, and Dave all-is-Fuller-of-love. Haha- I'm so dumb it hurts. Dave liked his rat, and Andrew is letting me live another day as long as the scratches on his six hundred dollar guitar aren't visible. I made money like woah at petco this past week, racking in $160 on saturday alone, and I got what i wanted for christmas... SnoreEnz. Did I mention John wrapped my gift in porn? Had my cartilidge pierced on friday and am getting a bar bell in my brow next week. I fear I am aquiring an addiction to the piercing gun. This could potentially get ugly.
Well- I'll leave you with that as I'm off to chill with my favorite home skillet. Check out that dingo.