Jul 06, 2010 20:01
- 21:01 dear adult guardian of a small child yes i will tell you to watch your kid when he KICKS my tiny dog who was literally smelling flowers #
- 22:10 fresh in my memory are the flickering of fireflys as we walked out of the park after our picnic dinner. #
- 08:01 it's so hot outside it makes me want to cry! new dress 2 wear which makes me a little less tragic but i know i'm going to melt :( #
- 10:02 Woot! Kicked Out got a fantastic review & I was interviewed @ The Naughty Book Kitties! more info here: www.kickedoutanthology.com #
- 10:54 taken aback by lack of class consciousness. local play party just sent an email blast about their 'trailer trash' themed party. really?!? #
- 16:52 gay rights activist found beheaded in Uganda. www.huffingtonpost.com/waymon-hudson/a-call-for-violence-answe_b_636371.html #
- 18:00 super stoked about how my SF trip is coming together- SF Kicked Out release & some really exciting workshops details TBA #
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