Jan 03, 2005 09:08
back at work again trying to look busy. the weekend was good. new years eve at soperpalooza turned out to be pretty fun, and i picked the perfect time to go home as katie almost got arrested after she dropped me off. i guess sometimes i do make good choices. my hangover sat. morning only lasted for a couple hours so that was good as well. sat. night at the movies w/ sam, ash, chris, kates and nater was wicked fun. it was definately the perfect mix of people. last night's going away dinner for ash was even successful. the girls managed to get along for a couple hours and have a good time. the weekend also consisted of lots of me laying in my comfy bed watching sex and the city....sooooo awesome. so that brings me here: monday morning at work with so much stuff left to do for the castle. i just made a things to do/packing list thats about a mile long. what sucks is that i'm always wicked ready to get stuff done in the mornings when i'm at work, but by the time 4 or 5pm rolls around im tired from working all day (sometimes boredom is the most exhausting thing) and don't want to do anything but lay around. today, i really am gonna get stuff done. at some point during the day i will leave work and go to the bank and get all my money crap straightened out. i will also get the suitcase i need from kates and start getting my packing going. really. i promise. it would be so nice to get most of my shit done this week and then spend next week before i leave relaxing and spending time with the people that i'm going to miss soooooo much over the next 4 months.