Oct 28, 2012 07:34
8th October 2012, Monday
I missed my lecture. I have been making a conscious effort to not miss a single lecture but I did. How? By getting my time confused. I actually planned my time such that I had 45 minutes to leisurely walk to Uni. After showering and taking my own sweet time to dress up, I finally sat down to reply some texts and to only realize why no one was replying because they were all in lecture… it was 5.05pm. I had planned to leave at 5.15pm and then upon realization that my lecture starts at 5pm, I literally went OH MYYYYY GODDD (even though I don’t like saying it) and just couldn’t believe I made such a stupid mistake. Ended up laughing about it with Weng Yee, my flatmate.
I basically just gave myself a long weekend, lol.