This is pretty important times 10!!

Nov 24, 2006 21:59

"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources." - Albert Einstein

This is really the best quote Ive come across in a long time, and it makes perfect sense. This is really what I live by. Just goes to show GREAT MINDS think alike.

And just to speak a little of my mind. Unless you are GOD himself do not judge people on the subject(s) of drinking, smoking, littering, eating meat, and/or being prejudice towards a certain race, gay, lesbian and placing others in certain categories and steryotypes. This only makes you look like a fool.  You are young, you are obviously ignorant. When you one day become a "grown up" and you have more responsibility in your life then you will get over certain fabrications that putting certain people under a microscope does not make you a self proclaimed "bad ass" I am so over seeing some of my closest friend(s)  go through the same constant bullshit.  Please realize this is the real world, we were all created equall and if it makes you feel good about yourself to bring down others, you are the ONE that needs a mental check.

Thanks Er!n Bear

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