Oct 18, 2006 22:12
I’m OK. Thanks for your concern. The benedryl did the trick. I didn’t go to the ER. I’d rather saw my arm off than spend four or 5 hours down there. So I’m glad everything cleared up. I still have no idea what caused the reaction. It could have been the orange juice. I had some today though and I’m OK now. So I’m really not sure. We’ll see if anything happens again tonight. I have some benedryl on hand just in case.
One of my new PCA’s started this morning. Everything went great. She’s really cool. I think everything is going to work out fine with her. We get along really well and the time just seemed to fly by. Hopefully things will go just as smoothly with the other person too.
P.S. My LJ comments go to my gmail account. It groups things together in a strange way. Sometimes people's comments get buried and I get confused LOL. So if I call you by the wrong name or send a reply that doesn't make sense that's why :-).