Why media monopolies are a bad thing

Dec 04, 2007 11:25

Case in point:  TV Guide's blatant bias in reporting on the writers' strike.

It's not that the last offer from the AMPTP was ridiculously low to the point of being insulting, it's that the WGA quickly rejected it.
It's not that 82% of their own online poll says that the audience is behind the writers, it's that couch cows want their daily dose of TV fodder regardless.
It's not that NewsCorp owns and controls not only the production, distribution and profits from their shows, they also own the news and reporting that is telling you what to think about the strike.

Oh, and WTF is up with Jensen at 77% and Jared at 8% (!!!) as coolest TV star?  Where are all the Samgirls?
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