I can totally think of more than three people. There are people in my life who are strong, upbeat, cheerful, tough, go-getters, perpetually calm, etc... I am inspired by all of them
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I made and posted a new necklace yesterday. No, scratch that - pendant. I named it Ocean Wave because of it's color and shape. I really like it, especially since it's a prototype. Hopefully someone will like it as much as I do. /playful grin
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Ok. I admit it. I've spent a lot of time away from my LJ. It wasn't planned or intentional until... well. The last two 'real' posts below this one. It's just been SO hard to come back, knowing they are there. /sigh
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I've spent a good portion of my evening in tears. Truth be told, a lot of this entire year has been spent in tears, but ... whatever. It happens, right
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Talis and I spent 2 to 3 hours at the vet this afternoon. He was in heaven, despite how poorly he feels. He loves the attention, and everyone at the vet loves him to pieces. He gets a ton of treats, a plethora of snuggles and a google of pettings - from the vet staff and any other people waiting in the waiting room. It doesn't matter -how- he feels
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I have finally figured out why MK is like he is. That is to say, why he is so reserved, why he has no emotions and why he doesn't get attached to anyone or anything. [Except maybe his cat.] And ya know what? It makes a -lot- of sense to me today.
Dog new: Anubis is settling into his 'adult personality' nicely. For those of you who aren't aware, great danes remain in their 'wheeiamapuppywheeeee' stage until they are about 3 years old, on average. I have to laugh at MK sometimes, though. He =swears= that Talis was never as annoying as Anubis when he was a pup. Of course Talis was as annoying
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Today i discovered that Thanksgiving is on Thursday. As MK is on shift, we will be doing the dinner thing on Friday. It'll be nothing elaborate, really. I plan on roasting up a couple of game hens, some veggies and maybe some potatoes. Anyone want to come over for that
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