I am a very good visualizer, so this is an easy one for me.
Today, I plan on being a @#$%. Our spa is now tripping it's breaker left and right. We can't even get it to run a full cycle, and it was tripped when we went out to use it last night, simply by maintaining it's own temp. I'll be nice at first, but i -will- get mean about it if I have to. It's warranty is coming up and I don't want to be stuck with a lemon, especially after all of the other stuff that's gone wrong with it. I can be sugary-sweet nice, but I can also be that horror customer - it just depends on how well they work with me.
Psychiatrist appointment today, and we will also be celebrating The Spousal Unit's birthday in the form of a date night. It will be nice. We haven't had a Date Night in a while.
If anyone is interested in handmade lip balm - check out
http://www.saskya.com/lipbalm -- or if you are interested in crafting - jewelry, nylon flowers, etc - saskya.com/crafting is your goal.
Enjoy the day.