Jot a Note to Yourself

May 06, 2012 10:36

I don't do conflict, but i am sure i can think of a stressful situation which i can write about.

We actually found another Asian Pear tree to replace the one we returned yesterday. I was so surprised that they had another, a year later! It is already in the ground and I hope it's going to kick arse and be the best Asian Pear tree ever!

I've got a new Tarot deck - Shadowscapes. If you are a tarot-type person, I recommend checking this deck out. It's gorgeous, and the companion book is amazing. I pull a card for myself and a few friends every day just to see what may happen or what they day will look like -- but moreso to teach myself how to read the cards without the book. The images are well done and the symbolisms are easy to see and translate. You can preview the art here - (whoa. Long google search link!) Take a peek. It's worth it for the art alone.

I'll be playing with my Sims family today - and possibly some Star Wars to pass the time. Heck, I may even sit down and read for a bit. Or rather, do my stepping and read for a bit.

tarot, tree, shadowscapes, sims 3, dc, stephanie pui-mun law, garden

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