Oct 17, 2011 08:52
The Spousal Unit and I had a good day yesterday. We went down to Destin to visit the craft store. I found a papercrafting station that's normal price was $80 on sale for $25. When we got to the register, however - it rang up for a penny. And yes, I got to pay a penny for it and walk out the door. I was like "SCORE!" Afterward we went to PetSmart to pick up some new collars for the kittens; their current ones are ripped to shreds as their claws haven't been trimmed in a while. (That is on my schedule for today.) Rune graduated to a name tag; he's been wearing his collar for 2 months now. Prior to that, he would -=not=- keep one on, so a tag was pointless for him. The rest of them have all had tags forever.
We ran into a great dane while we were in PetSmart. She was gorgeous; white and merle. She was also young. I could tell by looking at her. We went over to say hi (A HUGE step for me) and sure enough, she was 11 months old. I was crying as I said hello to her and she sniffed my face and gave me lovies. Afterward all I could do was bawl my eyes out. The Spousal Unit also had tears in his eyes. I miss my boys SO MUCH.
Linner was Olive Garden. Soup Salid and breadsticks for me, ... something different than that for The Spousal Unit. Then we shared a pumpkin cheesecake. Sooooo good. Then after linner we went for a nice long walk on the beach. I brought my new camera to test it out, and I think I got some good pictures. It was a gorgeous evening and the sunset was spectacular, excepting that it was missing clouds in the sky to set it on fire. Ah well; still a fantastic one.
Lovies to all.