Oct 09, 2011 12:16
The increase of dosage for one of my medications has kicked in the uncommon side effect of 'exhaustion.' I was in bed by 8pm yesterday, with a nap from 4-6. I slept through the night, too. Oi. I am trying out switching when I take it from evening to morning - it is a long lasting medication - to see if that helps with the timing of the exhaustion. I literally could. not. keep. my. eyes. open.
I did attend the church I mentioned in a recent post. It was .. interesting. The music was great and they were very casual and laid back. The message was well relayed and nonjudgmental, so that was good. It is a 'do what the bible says, not how we interpret what the bible says' sort of church. I am not positive I'll go back, but i certainly wasn't put off by today's lesson. I am still very much pagan, and very much Everythingist. (Everyone's vision of God is correct. Just follow the golden rule and yer good.)
We bought our tickets to the halloween event we chose to go to - the Witches Ball - yesterday. It seems like it's going to be a fairly small affair so I hope we aren't disappointed. It is 'witchy attire' so I have a few things that I may mish mash together to make myself into a pretty witch. The Spousal Unit will borrow my all-black cloak and dress up very nice under it, I think. Red will be attending with us, so at least we'll have his company. I wish the BFFs could commit to going -- one of them is considering it now, I believe. My fingers are crossed.