It's been a quiet couple of days, and let me tell you - i most definitely needed them to be quiet.
My aunt hasn't called back, thank goodness. I've been torn between simply ignoring her calls or actually picking up and -telling- her i am not interested in being in contact with her. In the end I'll probably go with the former, because the latter is pretty durn likely to put me into a rage which will be hard to come back down from and i really don't need more of that right now.
MK took tomorrow off, so i have him around for an extra two days this week. Another thing that i really needed right now, too. As you know, he came home from work on Wednesday for me - which was attached to his kelly day, which put him home for almost 4 days. He went back to work yesterday for a shift, and it was -hard- on me. We were laying in bed talking as he was getting ready to go to sleep and i was crying because the idea of spending Sunday entirely alone again was more than i could handle. (I ended up sticking my nose into CSI season 5 and not thinking.) So yeah - having him home is really good for me at this point in time.
There's a new road going the back way to wal-mart, so we don't ever have to hit the main road through town. I -really- like this; it's just too bad that i don't like wal-mart anymore. Well, more specifically, i don't like the one billion jillion random anonymous people who are always in the way, don't care that they are in the way or that they cut you off or that they are blocking the entire aisle with their shopping cart and their five kids, completely ignore you when you excuse yourself to get past them, feel that they do not need to step aside when they are passing you and so they bump into you when they could have just as easily taken one step to the left, and are basically assholes because they -are- random anonymous people who have a very high probability of never having to look you in the face ever again. GODS i hate people so much. When did it become common place to be so self-centered and a complete asshole to those around you just because you don't know them?
MK was going to make french toast (you know, the kind with the 5-grain fresh italian bread, the vanilla in the milk, cinnamon sprinkled on the toast and fresh real butter and hot syrup?) for breakfast today, but the milk expired yesterday. MK doesn't do milk in the first place, so it's completely and totally out of the question that milk that is expired is even looked at to see if it may actually still be good. So... we went to Waffle House. Interesting fact: I love ketchup on my fries, and on my arby's potato cakes - but i refuse to put it on my waffle house hash browns. Is that weird?
If you are needing your daily dose of gorgeous,
look here. Yeah, i know it's friend's only. It's a shame too, because that.... that is beautiful. Maybe she'll unlock the post, if we are lucky.
Birthday cards in today's mail. I heart you guys. Thank you.