Whelp. I started really liking bara. XD thanks to
bldl. So now I only want to scanlate/read stuff that... has a bara-esque storyline. Meaning: devoid of girly men, and rape, and all those other "lovely" yaoi stereotypes.
In other news: I want a job. =__= but at the same time I don't. Ugh it's so depressing to see my friend do so well in the research group I left in May, that he's already flying to Japan for the meeting... he's only a 3rd year, that's freaking awesome. Makes me think I should have stayed with the group, but on the other hand, I know that I wouldn't be doing well cus I'd be stuck under a prof that was never there / preoccupied with other students.
Basically, I'm in denial that I left academia. I'm afraid of taking on any old job because... it cannot compare to the awesome job I had before at the fore-front of science. -__-; ughhh. Well anyway, next month I will be going to a job fair, at which there will be plenty of teaching positions that I may apply to. Teaching... well it's ok, I just have no confidence that I'll be able to handle high schoolers. I just hope they'll give me a chance, even though I'm young, inexperienced, and talk softly. XD
I'm kind of in limbo right now. Some people keep telling me I have a luxury problem, but I really don't see it that way:
Basically, this job fair will be mid-March, then in April I'll hear back from graduate school, and in May I'll hear back from the European Space Agency. So now comes the question. What if I get a job at the job fair, do I take it and basically throw away my other choices (because if I take it, I really can't back out)? Or do I reject it and then have everything riding on those last 2 choices? And what if I get into Rutgers, for which the deadline for acceptance is before ESA? -__- of course, the job I want the most is the ESA position, because I love working with astrophysics. Not only that, I get to move to Holland, expenses are paid, I can bring my partner along, and he gets sponsored for a visa. Awesome job huh? XD and it's just an internship.