Jan 26, 2011 21:11
It seems like the story of my life. I always try to do too many things at once. When I first started teaching I'd try to have too many projects going the workday before school started. It didn't take long to realize I couldn't do everything. Well here I am what 30 years later trying to set up my live journal and Skype at the same time. The only reason I'm not Tweeting or FaceBooking too is that my iPod battery is down. See too many things. It's either multi-tasking or procrastination. I am good at both.
Since I retired from one of the busiest jobs on earth(high school art teacher) I have had very busy days and days I haven't even left the house. I am trying to strike a balance. Its been hard; it still is hard but I have a new year to try and get this right.