10 лет - планирование

Sep 22, 2017 19:36

Я придумала, что будем делать на десятилетие младшего ребенка - все, что я смогу придумать, как сделать отсюда. Теперь у меня есть полгода на то, чтобы научиться все это делать.
В ФБ я уже спросила, теперь спрошу здесь - ни у кого более или менее в Чикаго нет ненужных больших колонок? Я бы за ними приехала :)) Использование, скорее всего, будет одноразовое как источник вибрации для жидкостей.

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1. Slow motion ball:
- thick liquid, preferably honey
- a heavy ball, 25mm diameter, target - rubber balls, 3 cm diameter
- a sphere shaped container. - ebay 60mm diameter, ali 60mm diameter

Place the heavy ball in the lower half of the sphere. Fill the lower half of the container with honey a little more than half. If you use too little or too much, it will affect the motion of the ball.

2. Water fire starter. - дома такое не надо, это скорее идея для лагеря.

3. No-leak magic bag

- маленькие зиплоки - 10 шт.
- заточенные карандаши - 5 на человека. Или кебабные палочки?
Fill the bag almost to the top. Zip it shut, and start sticking pencils through the bag. Sometimes a few drops will leak out, but overall, this is a simple yet impressive trick

4. Liquid Stacking (плотность)

- вазочки из Dollar Tree - высота 7.25 in, диаметр 3.25 in., вазочки из Таргета - высота 7.5 in, диаметр 1.75 in.
- dark corn syrup - dark yellow
- Dish Soap (2x) - blue
- water and food coloring (yellow) - tilt bottle
- vegetable oil - light yellow - tilt bottle
- rubbing alcohol + food coloring (red) - tilt bottle
Wide bottles!

First add the dark corn syrup, then dish soap, then add food coloring to the water and pour it in with the bottle tilted, then add the vegetable oil (bottle tilted), and finally add food coloring to the alcohol and pour it in with the bottle tilted.

5. Invisible Bottle:

- glycerin, amazon: 1 quart, $12.97
- a glass and a bottle that will fit in the glass. - - вазочки из Dollar Tree - высота 7.25 in, диаметр 3.25 in., вазочки из Таргета - высота 7.5 in, диаметр 1.75 in.

Fill both glass and bottle with glycerin and place the bottle in the glass. It looks like the bottle disappears.

6. Dancing Liquid: (неньютовская жидкость)

- a powered speaker ???
- a tone generator http://www.szynalski.com/tone-generator/, settings B0/30Hz, volume 25
- corn starch,
- water
Pour 1/2 cup of corn starch in a bowl and 1/4 cup of water. Mix. Pour the liquid into the speaker and generate a 60hz tone.

7. Magic Water Barrier:

- 2 of the same glasses.
- Hot water, cold water,
food coloring
- a thin piece of plastic or cardboard.
Pour the hot water in 1 glass, the cold in the other glass, add food coloring, then place the plastic on top of the hot water glass. Turn the glass upside down, place it on top of the cold water glass, then carefully remove the plastic. Hot water is less dense than cold water, so it "floats" on top of the cold water.

8. Leidenfrost effect: - не надо
You need a pan, water and a stove. Turn the heat on high for about 4 minutes then add the water. This experiment can stain your pans.

9. Reverse Illusion:
Add all sorts of images or words behind a glass, then watch as it reverses when you add water in the glass.

10. Reversing Liquid:
- 1 big glass
- 1 smaller glass
- 3 mixing glasses
- corn syrup,
- pipettes
- food coloring
- clips.
First pour the corn syrup into the 2 bigger glasses. Place the smaller glass inside of the bigger glass. Attach the clips to prevent the smaller glass from moving side to side in the bigger glass. Pour a small amount of corn syrup into the 3 mixing glasses. Add food coloring and stir. Fill each pipette with a different color, then add the colored corn syrup to your big glass. Turn the smaller glass carefully and watch the colors mix. Turn it back and watch them unmix.

Dry Ice

1. Smoke

- 250 ml graduated cilynder
- tray for the graduated cylinder
- warm water - fill half of the cilynder
- food coloring - one drop
- dry ice
This will get smoke coming out of the cylinder

1a. Carbonated apple joice
- Erlenmeyer Flasks (150 - 200ml)
- apple joice
- dry ice
Fill in to half mark, add dry ice, put aside, until all smoke is gone and there is no dry ice. Result - carbonated apple joice.

2. Smoky bubbles

same as 1, but now add some dishwashing liquid
video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=45&v=mflBIakmrGk

3. Floating Bubble

- large crear bowl
- warm water (about 2 inches from the bottom)
- piece of dry ice,
- undeluted dishwashing liquid,
- small dish to put dishwashing liquid in (bottle cap)
- drinking straw.

4. Big bubble

- large bowl
- warm water (half of the bowl)
- Mix 2 tablespoons of Dawn liquid dish soap + 1 tablespoon of water. Soak cloth strip in this solution
- dry ice - 2-3 pieces (need a lot of smoke)
- use soaked strip to create soap film on the edges.

5. Bouncing Smoke Bubbles

one or two sets:
- empty large soda bottle with cut off top
- warm water
- dry ice
- clear tube
- funnel - should fit well on or in the funnel.
- clear cup
- bubble solution: dishwashing liquid + water + corn syrop

for each kid:
- cotton gloves -
instructions, video, explanation: https://www.stevespanglerscience.com/lab/experiments/boo-bubbles-dry-ice-science/

transmission funnel, no cups, just dip the end in the dishwashing liquid. Regular cheap sintetic winter gloves work just fine.

science, Андрюша_10

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