Fanart and Other Tributes for My Fanfiction

Jun 17, 2012 16:33

As part of the process of dealing with's refusal to allow direct links on profiles, I'm moving stuff to here.

This post: things other people have made that are based on my fanworks


TechnoRanma has made an artwork for my kink_bigbang fanfic "Let's All Be Friends Together" and the link to the artwork can be found on the master index for that fanfic. The art is probably R-rated (contains minor nudity).

An extremely graphic NSFW for adult viewers only TentaclesxL picture by an anonymous artist to illustrate "Tentacles Again" which is chapter 7 of "Smutty Shorts" (and then later this edited (but still NSFW) version of the same picture).

Fanart for "No Idea" - credit goes to Hybrid-Sunshine

L crossdressing for "Fifty Days" - credit goes to Tru Mel Meiko Mei Ling

L piggy-back riding on someone in a panda costume for "Fifty Days" - credit goes to CreamyBanana

"Shinigami Facts of Life" has a fan art (for adult viewers only, no underage!) at this link. See it while you can, as the artist thinks it will be deleted soon!

Very Gory/Violent and Spoilery Fanart on Deviantart - for my fanfic "Fifty Days" art credit goes to AllegedDeity

Raito-chan's Russian translations have produced a couple pieces of fanart: Fanart for "Reeled In" (suggestive but doesn't actually show anything naughty) & also Fanart for "A Paradise for Kids" (completely G-rated or maybe PG-rated, and you have to scroll down to see it). Added note: Currently these links seem to be down. Let me try to find if any other links work, but I'll leave these here for now.


The fanfic Miscalculation by Animemimirue8 is a re-make of my fanfic No Idea

If people make more fan art, more recursive fanfics, or anything else like that in the future, I plan to add those links to this post to keep all of it organized in one place.

fan fiction, fan art, profile material, death note, fanfiction dot net sucks

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