Fandom: Uzumaki, based on the manga.
Title: "Completion"
Author: Sashocirrione
Spoilers: MAJOR Spoilers for the entire manga series.
Rating: T or probably PG-13
Warnings: Rated T for angst and disturbing things, including flashbacks to abandonment, many deaths, body horror and cannibalism.
Summary: Kirie's thoughts when she reaches the very center of the spiral are not as depressing as she had believed they would be.
Pairings: ShuichixKirie as the main pairing, plus a minor pairing of KazunorixYoriko (in flashback form)
Additional Notes: All canon events have occurred as normal, however Kirie's thoughts put an interpretation on those events that is perhaps a different interpretation than canon (since the manga is kind of vague on certain topics, it is hard to tell if I'm contradicting canon or not). This fic is based only on the manga series, not the movie.
Disclaimer: I do not own Uzumaki, and I do not make any money from these writings.
Links to the story: (same content at each link)