Fandom: Death Note, which includes the manga and the anime.
Title: "Fever Dreams"
Author: Sashocirrione
Spoilers: MAJOR Spoilers for everything up to chapter 58 of the manga and episode 25 of the anime. Minor spoilers for one or two small facts from the second half of the series.
Rating: M for mature or probably NC-17
Warnings: NO UNDERAGE READERS. Rated M for a reason. Swearing, sexual activities, foodplay, light bondage. Contains some discussion about rape but no actual rape (not implied rape, not offscreen rape, not any other kind of rape).
Summary: When L goes into a complete panic about the idea he might die, it unleashes a chain of events for L including sex, illness and then memory loss. And then Kira is forced to come up with a non-lethal new scheme to neutralize L and save himself.
Pairings: LightxL to start with, eventually transitions to both LxLight and LightxL, and also has a minor LxMatsuda, a very minor LightxMisa and a very minor Hideki_RyugaxMisa (the real Hideki Ryuga, not L)
Additional Notes: This starts within the "rooftop rain scene" found in episode 25 of the anime (the one that is absent from the manga) and things diverge from there. All canon events previous to this have happened as normal.
Disclaimer: I do not own Death Note, and I do not make any money from these writings.
Links to the story: (same content at each link, except that the AFF copy has no author's notes, and the Hentai Foundry copy seems to have replaced many of the question marks with single quotes)