My head’s been hurting so much all day, but I was so set to post that I just had to. If this makes next to no sense because of the headache, then I apologize.
So The Anti-friending meme. Ever since I first got the idea presented to me, all I could think of was ruffled feathers. I know it was one of the things that could do that. Ruffle feathers that is. I am sorry if it felt like too much, too negative and completely unnecessary, and I hope you forgive me my extravagant moment of hosting it anyway.
My other concern with it was that it could turn to flat out hate meme. But people were pretty good with it, other than occasional efforts of trying too hard to make their point and failing at recognizing when it is better to stop. Then the meme got killed by a true hate meme (I has impeccable timing), so maybe that is a reason why people were rather civil too. Thank god for that because I almost did not sleep that night, afraid of letting it go unattended. In a way, this too is a conclusion, fandom can handle itself on occasions.
The whole thing was rather interesting. I’m sure I had more conclusions, but by now, the following three stuck in my mind, so here you go:
Pairings preferences, or lack of certain pairings among your OTPs, is a huge criterion in deciding whether to friend someone. To me this is interesting because I don’t actually consider the (more or less) delusional OTP concept of gay sparkle-ness to be such a huge part of my fandom. It is a huge part of the fic fandom, but JE is about music, hilarity, variety, boys being hot all on their own, about selling dreams and personality patterns and shiny, and well I feel that liking certain pairings, if any, is only a small portion of it and does not define me nearly as much as let’s say groups I follow.
Coherence is important. Be it understandable English, state in which you make posts, or the writing/expression style. All those made an appearance. It is interesting, but in a way I understand. If I had several people whose entries I would find difficult to read and comprehend on my flist, it would turn what is supposed to be a pleasurable experience into a rather painful and tiring one. That said different people have different levels of tolerance when it comes to coherence (or lack of thereof - clearly this is my expression today). It is interesting how high or low the limits can be set.
Connectivity? Let’s call it this. Apparently it is a disadvantage if you do not have a twitter and/or tumblr or if you admit to not being active on it. This, to me is a little puzzling if not sad because the last meme (and all the previous once that did not specify otherwise) were LJ friending memes. I mysle do have tumblr and twitter, but I work average 10 hours a day, sleep some more of the day away, and in the rest of my time, the timeline on my twitter moves so fast I can hardly ever keep up, if I am on my PC that is. I got twitter because it has become better source of fandom info, while LJ unfortunately is loosing this function. But the more of you I follow, the less I find there too. It makes me feel I might be getting old for this fandom because I can’t keep up with the evolution. Coming back to the friending requirements, it is then rather unfair and (sad) that to be someone’s friend on LJ you need to be participate in other social networks than LJ itself. Otherwise, anons say, they'd find it hard to connect with you.
Especially the last point makes me feel even more detached to people on my flist who post rarely, do not talk to me in comments and are active elsewhere.
Anyway, personal result of the meme. I suppose I have always known that being RyoDa fangirl means people are cautious of friending you. But lately I have had such a steady and nice friend list that I almost forgot. The meme reminded me that RyoDa fangirls are considered crazy and more thread than an asset to one's friends list. Therefor I now love you even more for giving me a try and tolerating my crazy. I know my mind can get very one-track sometimes when it comes to my OTP, but I hope I do not annoy you with it too much.
After that very serious fandom analysis (LOL, fandom is serious business), have my Saturday night joy. I spent my Saturday at work, but took a walk on my way home and got myself something to liven up my kitchen. With the choice I made, it seems fall is really coming.
It is a pretty fall though! The weather forecast for the next two weeks is sunny and still around 20 °C or only a little less so this is great *____________* I took a walk up to the castle today after work, so I need to sort and post those pictures sometimes. It was rather pretty.
And lastly, my sister,
chivakaza is safely in Japan, probably sleeping more than 24 hours of travel and official business away. I am relieved, she seemed to have handled it like a boss and now she has an amazing year ahead of her. (LOL she also sent her friends to my journal to find out if the plane did not crush and since she might not have the internet for a while, I figured I'd leave this public so that curious people not willing to wait 5 months before getting worried know she is fine and safe)