Fic games statistic

Nov 18, 2012 21:26

Fic games 2012 ended.

I can't say I regret running it, but I must say it wasn't as much fun as it could have been. But Jess, my awesome co-mod, not only took so much off my hands when my real life became extremely busy, she also saved the official Fic Games community from me expressing some of my ... discomforts, lol. Anyway, this is not the post where I'll voice them either because I'm in no mood to recreate that again right now. But maybe one day I will. Because really, I feel like some things should be said even if they make me sound pressed, might feel uncomfortable to someone or make me the bad guy.

ANYWAY, there was an idea to post top individual fics from this year. Not to post all scores, I don't want to put anyone on spot, but just some. If someone did the work, this info is public, which is why I feel it is okay to do this. We just did the math for you since we had to.

So I am listing the top 5 fics according to overall scores. Before I do, a few remarks.
- scores are overall once; it seems LJ no longer provides you with things like average and median when you close the poll (this could have been see in the previous years of Fic Games, but I either need a special code for this which I do not know or LJ changed their polls functioning).

- thus essentially, these might not be the fics that had the BEST ranking, but the ones with most votes. On the other hand, I believe lots of people do not vote instead of giving low points, so it is a bit telling (the best scoring fic was KAT-TUN gen!!!), but then, e.g. akame is not half as read as it used to be - more like shunned, so it is only natural that there won't be as many voters.

- the points of team mates are not counted in; there were few people who voted on fics of their own teams but in accordance with the rules, these votes were not taken into account.

Top 5 fics based on overall score:







Team Present
1. What’s wrong with being naked? [Kusanagi Tsuyoshi]
What’s wrong with being naked?
416 points

Team AU
1. What’s wrong with being naked? [Kusanagi Tsuyoshi]
396 points

Team Present
6. She’s just a friend. [every Johnny’s idol having a girl scandal]
Rumour Has It
304 points

Team AU
6. She’s just a friend. [every Johnny’s idol having a girl scandal]
The cunning ways
293 points

Team AU
3. I’m not ordinary [Nakamaru Yuichi]
Relatively Normal (Or Not)
278 points

Fun facts about these fics. There is gen AND het on the list doing very, very well. Two of those fics were pinch hits and one fic was handed in one day before the posting begun (despite not being pinch hit). Somehow, the troll prompt that was "She's just a friend." made it into the list.

There are things to learn from these polls. Not all AU is AU enough. People will vote on certain fics but will not comment on them (more than on others). Gen is loved a lot. People who don't write are stricter voters than writers themselves. This year, it was much less about the category and much more about the fics themselves...

These are generalizations, but the creeper I am, it was interesting to see the polls evolve (even if LJ did stupid stuff like allow people to check two scores for one question despite the fact it should not be possible with this type of poll, lol).

So I hope this was fun for someone else than me, and I do not sound too creepy.

I am out of fun facts for the moment. Your thoughts and observations?

poll, me mod?, my fandom rulez!

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