eternal cycle of mod

Jul 15, 2012 16:55

Devil or Angel.
Now posting!

I've had like a long plead/rant ready in my head about how and why people should comment, but then few people were actually awesome enough to do so, so I calmed down.

Anyway still, please if you read (and actually finish) a fic, it probably already means it is good on some level because these are not short by far. Please do leave a comment then.

Just. Help me make the posting phase of this challenge as enjoyable as the writing (hopefully) was for the authors. The community being alive and people actually reading and flailing over the things authors plotted together is a big part of the challenge being fun and worth running. ♥

In other news. I am crazy. I have managed to get in contact with the mods of je_ficgames, and I want to run it again. I'm recruiting a comod though because running Fic games is not the least complicated thing out there, and it is time consuming at moments (team communities, prompt claiming, more coding during posting ...). I can't do this alone. I was also looking at the schedule and the one possibility I like the most clashes with my vacation (and no Internet) time, so I really do need help. Anyone interested?

That is all for today. Life updates when life stops being too time demanding ;D

me mod?, my fandom rulez!

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