
Aug 29, 2010 22:10

So here i am, finally trying to make my first post here, haha...
Well, i took me a while to think of what i'm gonna write here, so finally i decided to just give some slight introduction, more about why i'm creating an account here in the first place.
So let's just start...

Why am i here? Making an account?
Well, the answer is plain simple, because i LOVE reading SHINee's fanfics!
Actually to be honest, i was never really interested in reading any fanfic until one time i decided to try and got addicted ever since, haha...!
Then i started to find more fics and i figured that i found most of them here on Live Journal, that's why i decided to make an account, in order to read more fics, and be friends with all the great fanfic writers out there, hehe...!
My OTP is 2MIN and HyunMin (maybe because my bias in the whole Kpop universe is Taemin, so i just love pairings that includes Taemin in it). But i don't mind reading fics about OnKey coz they're just adorable together! But overall i just love reading all kinds of SHINee's fics with all different pairings and genres (and ratings), haha...! All because i just love all 5 SHINee members.

So i'll just stop blabbering and continue reading coz apparently that's what i do best. I don't think i can write any fics, i'm not much of a writer so i'll just read. Well i'll write something in my journal, but i won't write fics i guess (except if one day i just feel like doing it, who knows?! Haha...), i think i will just post something related to what i experienced in my personal life, so don't expect too much, hehe...!

Oh, and for anyone that i added as friend, please don't get freaked out on me, i just want to know all the great fanfic writers out there, so please be kind to me and let's just be friends, hehe...!

Lastly i'd like to thank all the writers out there for introducing the magic world of fanfics to me! Please write more! You guys are great! I wish i have the talent, hehe...!

So this is the end of my introduction, i hope i can update my page more often. See you later then!
( ^_^ )/


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