Adventures in Dvorak 2/??

Jun 15, 2014 13:30

Week 2 of Dvorak! I admit I'm not using it daily because the key bindings for the usual shortcuts are off.

Dvorak: 14 WPM


Still an improvement over last week! I better start getting serious about it though.


In other news, I finished watching Dennou Coil. I don't know why it's not a lot more popular. The plot was tight and I really liked the worldbuilding. At times, it reminded me of Caprica, but more rewatchable because it's more lighthearted. Also, as a coming-of-age show, and dealing with such themes as death/loss and letting go, it feels quite timeless. I also have this weakness for shows with so many different characters whose stories don't make sense at first but spin together as the series moves forward, like DRRR! and Monster, so I guess that's why I liked this so much. (That said, don't talk to me about Baccano! because I still, still, have not finished that anime. It gives me a headache.)

Visually, it's a joy to watch. The art is really crisp and it never becomes lazy. The animation is as fluid as a Ghibli film.

Dennou Coil is set in Daikoku City 20 years from present time, to an age where computer glasses are basically ubiquitous (or, the very near future if Google Glass becomes a hit). Dennou Coil gives us a look at what cyberspace might look like when IoT and augmented reality tech have been more or less fully realized--cyberpets walking around with their owners, big bloated antivirus software chasing hackers and viruses around the city... I won't lie--I'd like to live there for a month. *g*

The anime focuses on a  set of children and their misadventures with the cyberglasses. The first half of the story is more slice-of-life than anything else so it might drag for people who are not into the genre, but it does its job in setting up the mood and information you need for the second half of the series, which gets very plotty very quick.

There were some low points in the story, around the middle of the series--where we got a few recap episodes. Also, characters I thought would be featured more in the story actually got less and less screen time and plot value as it progressed.

anime: dennou coil, anime, dvorak

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