I always find it amusing when my body clock suddenly rights itself when I come home. The whole week I was gone, my sleep patterns were erratic and my digestive system had decided to go on strike, with limited production. And when I got home last night, everything was like clockwork and mornings are wonderful again ^_^
As I was lolling around, revelling in the squashed comfort that is my own bed, my sister said she saw something in my window during the time I was gone. See, my bedroom and hers are adjoining ones, connected by this door that we seldom close. So, that night, before she went to bed, she saw that my curtains were not drawn; she went to draw them because open windows at night creep her out. And there she saw a shrouded figure looking through the pane. She drew the curtain, thinking it was just a reflection of the light but when she turned around, there wasn't anything that looked like that. There was still a bit of window visible so she reached to draw the curtains, and there it was again, looking through that bit of window. So my sister snapped the curtains closed, hightailed it out of my room, closed the door and went to sleep with all the lights on.
I asked her what it looked like and she said she wasn't that crazy so as to actually peer closely at it. I asked if it was male or female, and she gave me this face that just screamed 'Are you stupid?' As much as the story made the hairs on my arms rise, I had to laugh at how my sister wasn't scared, but more amused about the experience. She said it wouldn't enter, and just likes peeking in when it felt curious. "Oho," I said. "Sounds like you know it well."
(Later, I asked her on which night was it that she saw the figure. She said, Tuesday night. This was the one night that week that I had a lovely, dream-free sleep, hundreds of kilometers away.)
Then she told me more things that I've never realised.
One, that this figure (or another one similar to it) also peeks through the window of the room next to ours. That room was originally mine, but when my sister started going to school, she wanted her own room but didn't dare sleep alone, so I moved out of my room to keep her company. My old room has since then been turned into an emergency guest bedroom, even a bridal chamber, when my brother got married. He and his family had that room until they moved out when the baby was big enough. It's been empty ever since. I asked if my brother knew about it, and she said yes. And this was why there are little pieces of talismanic paper put up in little, hard-to-reach nooks and crannies of our house (my brother is VERY superstitious and quite eccentric) here and there.
Two, when her soon-to-be-fiance, Ashraf , stayed overnight once, someone called out to him by his family nickname (the only ones who know that here is my sister and myself.) And he kept seeing something nodding and peeking from outside the window. He refused to acknowledge it and maintains it was the trees and branches (none of which are within that window's reach). And when he went out to the verandah for a smoke, he felt something a bit off. My sister said that this figure likes that verandah, too and was probably curious about this new person. He heard tapping noises, but says it was probably just the cats or mice or whatever. But he did curl up in his blanket, totally covered up for the whole night and was a little freaked out in the morning.
Three, my sister-in-law also had a brush with this entity when she first moved in. I was asking why, since it was such a Curious George, I never heard Nina (my sis-in-law) talk about it. And my sister laughed and said that it called out to her, too. In fact, it even knocked on the window, and once pulled on her scarf as she went down the stairs. O_o
"I thought this thing didn't enter the house?"
My sister shrugged.
I asked, was that the real reason my brother moved out? She laughed and said, yeah, probably.
Fourth, my mom saw a little child in her room, at the foot of her bed. I said, that's an old story, from a few years ago. My sister said no, it was just recently. Hmmm...
In conclusion? I may have an astral Peeping Tom outside my bedroom - it's probably the same one, and maybe haunts the whole first floor. There may also be a separate child ghostie in the house. They've never made themselves visible to me, and I don't want them to, thank you very much. I would rather they keep to themselves. I don't mind them around, but I'm sure we can co-exist without stepping on each other's toes.
I already have naughty ones in the office - they love hiding things. Me included. You see, I was sitting at my computer, and it was such bliss that no one came to see me for the whole afternoon. I got quite a bit of work done. It was quieter, too. When I finished, and walked out of my room, my admin assistant (who is seated just outside my door) was surprised because she didn't realise I was inside. It seems a few people came by that afternoon and peeked into my room ( I keep my door open when I'm in) but didn't see anyone inside.
Oh dear... The things I didn't know...