Mar 17, 2006 12:03
overall its been really nice being home....makes me want to not go back to school and fucking propaganda ever again! ive been watching a lot of movies, not exersizing, sleeping a lot, and eating a fair ammount! Yesterday on the way to mathieus tho the best fucking thing happened! i was walking from the metro and there was this girl walking in front of me. we walked by a couple of racailles packing or unpacking shit out of the trunk of their car and they said something to the effect of "your hot, wanna fuck us?" to the girl in front of those of you who dont know, this is common in paris. but instead of just walking away from them, she picked up one of those big green trashcans on the side of the road and chucked it at them! it was fucking amazing!!! she then proceded to flick them off and keep walking! it made my day!
today i had an interview for this job over the summer. i want it so fucking badly! i would be the personal assistant to this woman who is in charge of marketing KAPLA blocks to the US. they are these educational toy blocks, very simple, but REALLY COOL! you can make these HUUUUGE sculptures and everything out of them and it is really amazing! my job would be to market the product to schools, museums, toy stores, daycare centers, science stores, etc. through emails and follow up with phone calls. she said she would pay me 1000 a month.....thats 3000 for the summer AND she said that she would pay me in dollars (score! i wont spend it all!!) which is AMAZING! im REALLY excited about this job! she wants me to write her three sample letters in an email just so she can see how i write and everything. god i want this job soooo badly!
ive been practically living at mathieu's house which has been nice even tho he was sick for a couple days and he has been totally stressed out as well...le sigh. i cant wait until the summer when we can really relax even tho i get to relax a month before he does but hey, whatever. italy should be pretty much amazing!
ok...gabs and emily are watching brokeback mountain....cant keep away.