
Aug 01, 2010 00:17

TO DO in the next week:

Pay taxes (guhhh)
Create Skype account (cell phone??)
Buy water filter
Find power adapters
Order new round of homeopathic treatment
Stock up on allergy medicine
Pack (huh?)
Get a hold of boric acid
Find netting to put up around my bed to protect against mosquitoes
Buy the least toxic bug repellent I can find,
Stomach medicine and vitamins
Scent-free soap and lotion
Go to bank (like a mthrfckng ADULT!) - loans, paycheck, savings account, credit card, bleh...
Meet with potential buyers in PDX and Eugene and make plans for new job
Meet with Tito re: PFW
Call Oxfamers
Finalize KeoKjay shoot
Update software on laptop
Spend time with people and animals that I love....!
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