the wine gig

Jun 01, 2010 20:44

In September, I almost moved to Jeddah to teach English. My good friend John called me while I was in the process of applying for my visa and spent an entire hour pleading with me not to go. He said that I could do anything in the world except keep my mouth shut in the face of injustice, which is something I'd witness on a daily basis in Saudi Arabia without being able to do anything about it. I protested, feeling certain that I could endure absolutely anything for a year.  My visa was denied and I ended up taking a mellow, non-controversial job selling wine here in the states. Two months into this wine gig and I'm ready to start a fuckin revolution.  I don't know what to do with these rude, sexist, passive-aggressive, power-tripping people with whom I am supposed to have a professional relationship.  I will eventually figure it out. There will be justice.  For now, I call all Eugenians to boycott the Market of Choice on Franklin Blvd until they find a wine steward that does not make perverted and awful remarks towards his employees, until he can treat his fellow wine steward Bruce with some respect, and until he can stop being a patronizing and abrasive little fuck towards the clients, reps, and delivery people that have to deal with him in the wine department on any kind of a regular basis.
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