May 19, 2006 00:01

ummm....still in boring ass DALLAS,TX. still missing New Orleans but most likely will never move back! sold my new orleans house that greg and i bought a month b4 tha storm...still in an apartment but we bought a house near here in a dallas suburb(carrololton,tx) so we're in tha process of flipping(selling)it now and im i am soooo stressed out! Jashaad is growing and he's at that bullshit 3yr old age where he asks a million and one retarded questions over and over again which drives me absolutely crazy! Greg is still part-time at tha post office and working my nerves also but i luv them both just tha same and wouldn't trade them for the world. My sister is PREGNANT and i dunno i guess i kinda feel sorry for her :/ would you believe we're actually getting along now??? if you know me you know thats hard to believe but its true! umm....just b4 mother's day one of my best friends of 12yrs' momz died. Shit threw us all for a serious loop. very unexpected.....a couple of weeks ago one of my other best friends got married(finally) to her bofriend of 6 or 7yrs...prolly 8 :/ Time is flying! I cant even keep shit straight anymore. Seems like just yesterday i was 16 and a sassy ass nerd in high school flirtin n shit....Now i feel married or some shit w/a kid. I feel like that fuckin bitch Katrina spun me around and I landed here like WTF just happened? I caught tha bouqet @ tha wedding...Greg held Jashaad and he caught tha guarder...what are tha odds? everything i crazy smh @ it all...i guess everything happens for a reason. I think we're meant to be. Funny how every obstacle we go thru leads us right back to each other.

about tha lj...im busy as fuck and i really wanted to do some things but time doesnt seem to be on my side. Lj is not a priority...I'll TRY to update more. all i can do is try. I sincerely hope all is well w/everyone. I try and read some entries every now and then. I really miss Nikki a.k.a SHAREMYWORLD. She hasnt updated in prolly a yr. I dunno wut happened to her but i hope she's doing well. Samirah a.k.a LOVELYNESS i really miss and worry about. I hope she's healthy and sucessfull and doing well and HAS A MAN! lol I wonder if Xaviergyrl graduated and is in med school. I wonder if LENA is @ university. i hope JESS is still a weirdo cuz thats what i liked about her. ASHLEIGH i hope ur FOCUSED on school instead of all ur chi-town man drama lolol  Crystal185, Jaylensmommy,BrokenWingz, and BrownEyez901 i know ur fine so hush!

Thumbs up! Hoes down!
GOD 1st
and PIMPS on tha 4th finga pinky ;)

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