but all is not well. As yall already know my city (New Orleans) was hit by a muhfuckah named Katrina! My home is so far under water and my neighborhood is so badly destroyed that tha news channels wont even show the footage. Dead bodies everywhere! The high school by my house served as a shelter and from what everybody is saying there were NO survivors when that building flooded. They havent even gotten to the area i live becuz the water is still so high. I am alive and greatful to be so but is very hard to survive when my affiliate bank is nowhere near where i am and the local banks refuse to take our checks becuz so many ppl have been righting bad checks to try and feed their families. Its so bad that a few days ago, we had to go to THREE different nearby cities to find things that are supposed to be simpple such as bread and milk. NO ONE had any! I am in an extremely small town called WEYANOKE,LOUISIANA with Greg,Jashaad and most of his family. IT IS HARD! I recently found out where my mother,sister, and grandmother are but have no way to contact them. Most of my family is still missing. NO ONE has any idea where my momz 3 sisters and their kids are including my 16 yr old cousin who just had a baby a few weeks ago and DID NOT EVACUATE. I'm numb to most of this pain now and we all are walking around mostly in a zombie like state of mind. Money is running very short. We have to constantly waste gas to drive way out to other cities for food and water. we've been wearing and washing the same clothes everyday since we've been here.Gas is rediculously expensive and so is food. We are running out of both! My cellphone and everone else's doesnt not work here. There are no poles for signals. Just bullshit farmland. We have to drive 40plus miles just to use a cell phone and even then all circuits are busy. No one excepts credit or debit cards becuz since the storm there's been wide spread fraud. Finally I got a chance to use my computer. Thank God! i brought it becuz its the only way i can communicate. I was trying to make long distance calls where we were staying before here but we all got kicked out. I was gonna sell my laptop for the money but now i have no communication other than to sneak my laptop in to a corner late at night when everyone is sleep and use the internet. I wont be able to do this everyday. LOL I feel like Anne Frank. I laugh but its really not funny at all. The night time rapes,murders,suicides,starvation, wide spread disease,missing or dead family members and lack of money with little government help or support is not funny at all!!!! I cant even type anymore. I snuck on here so I can beg you all for HELP! I never usually ask for help but this is not the time for pride. Money and prayers are desperately needed.We cant survive too long off my good looks. PLEASE EVERYBODY GET INVOLVED AND HELP US! THOUSANDS ARE STILL TRAPPED IN THE CITY!
Please contact Red Cross and other organizations to help out. and PLEASE IF THERE'S ANYTHING YOU ALL HAVE TO GIVE ME THAT YOU THINK WOULD HELP PLEASE PLEASE SEND IT!!! We need clothes,shoes, food, money,everything! No gift is to small!!!! I will appreciate anything!
---=MAIL ME-----
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Ferguson for Natasha Angelety
WEYANOKE,LA 70787-9999
crazybeauteful and her mother for the prayers and for signing up as volunteers to come all the way from Brooklyn to New Orleans to help us! much love for that!
So much more to type about but i am in no mood and im hungry so I'll just sleep it off now. GOODNIGHT!