vmware Administrator@vsphere.local password reset

Jun 22, 2015 14:04

From KB

For the vCenter Server:

Log in to the vCenter Server with a domain administrator account. If vCenter Single Sign-On is installed separate from the vCenter Server, log into the vCenter Single Sign-On server.

Open an elevated command prompt. For more information, see Opening a command or shell prompt (1003892).

Navigate to the vmdird directory with this command:

c:\>cd Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\VMware\CIS\vmdird

Open the vdcadmintool service tool with this command:

c:\Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\VMware\CIS\vmdird>vdcadmintool.exe

This console loads:


Please select:

0. exit

1. Test LDAP connectivity

2. Force start replication cycle

3. Reset account password

4. Set log level and mask

5. Set vmdir state


Press 3 to enter the Reset account password option.

When prompted for the Account DN, enter:


A new password is generated. Use this password to log into the administrator@vSphere.local account.

Note: Review the password to ensure it is compliant with VMware’s list of unsupported characters. For more information on the list of unsupported characters, see vSphere 5.5 Single Sign-On administrator@vsphere.local password issues (2060637). If the password generated is not compliant, perform the generation process again.

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