News! Battle of Will, Backlist Sale, Website shenanigans

Dec 11, 2013 18:12

Battle of Will is coming to the end of its serial run! The final installment posts next week, and two weeks after that it’ll release as an ebook (on Jan 1, 2014, so I get to run around going FIRST and have everyone stare at me like I’ve lost my mind ;3). If you’ve been waiting for the ebook, it’s on preorder now, with a special preorder sale of 25% off (so you can pick it up for a cool $5.99 instead of the full price of $7.99). After the LT3 Advent Sale ends, it’ll be back to the usual 15% off ($6.79) until release, so pick yours up before Christmas. ^__^

This will not be the last you see of this ‘verse, by the by, as one of my donated fics from a few months back asked for something in-verse and I have an idea (no time yet, but an idea). In any case, the standard details:

At a memorial service meant to honor the dead and mark the beginning of a truce between Skirfall and Morcia, Ackley spies a figure who does not belong-a mage interrogator whose presence will only cause harm should the Morcians realize who he is and all the people he has tortured. But the problem rapidly grows much worse than that when Ackley realizes his true purpose is assassination of the Morcian crown prince-an assassination Ackley prevents, but at great cost.

Banished from his own country, bound magically to the crown prince of his enemies, Ackley is certain of just one thing: whether he can figure out how to break the spell or not, his death is assured.

As I mentioned up above, LT3 is running an Advent Sale, featuring different authors by last name each day of the month. Day 13 is M Authors, including yours truly, so you can get any of my backlist for 25% off on Friday, December 13. Hopefully that is tempting to some of you. ^__~

Finally, I’m going to be moving my website at some point this month. I hope to preserve all its content, including the free stories, but I’m shifting the domain to a new home and the content to Blogspot. If I had more time and more money, I’d keep it all hosted (I really hate, though I love the stand-alone WordPress platform). Since I rarely update and rarely get to play with it, however, it doesn’t make sense to keep it hosted. What this means for ya’ll is that if you visit my website you may get funky results. Should all be resolved by January. ^__^

That’s all I’ve got. I hope ya’ll are having a good December. ^__^

Originally published at Sasha L. Miller. You can comment here or there.
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