WARNING: RPF coming soon

Jan 30, 2012 01:20

I'm in the middle of writing an "achele fic" based on a few prompts sent to my tumblr. "Achele" for all you non-gleeks (non-GLEE fans) it's the "real person fic" about a lea michele (Rachel) & dianna (Quinn) relationship. I feel slightly disturbed writing about real people. I'm choosing to think of them as fictional characters because in reality they are. Their not in a relationship (at least not a confirmed one) in real life so basically its like using the qualities and characteristics of these two unique creatures to write a fictional story. One of the things I enjoy about fan fiction and even RPF (real people fiction) is that you can visualize the characters while reading..everything from the basic appearances to their quirks and unique movements.

So, for anyone who gets "disturbed" or thinks its "weird" or "Invasive" to write fiction about real people and cannot join in with the simple fact that its more about taking what characteristics & quirks these unique women posses to use them as characters in writing a fictional story....

let me state the obvious for you... DO NOT read or comment in any fan fic i post with the "RPF" or "achele" tags

Got it?

Good :)

I never understand why people read about shit they hate then feel the need to go off in a comment. Dont fucking read it then. Duh.

Rant over. 
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