Picspam tiem! \o/

Sep 15, 2008 20:16

So, one day while discussing the hotness of Eden and the under-appreciation of Teal, lorriechan and I decided that we needed to write a list of people to invite to our fantasy orgy. And then we decided that we should post this list, along with pictorial evidence of the hotness, for your drooling purposes.

Originally this list was compromised purely of musical theatre people, but then we added Emily Deschanel, and then Famke Janssen, and then, well, it all sort of got a bit out of control and we ended up with about twice as many non-theatre people (most of whom only one of us was familiar with).

The solution? Two picspams, of course! :D

lorriechan and sasha_lilyrat's Giant Musical Theatre Orgy Of Hotness picspam can be found here
lorriechan and sasha_lilyrat's Giant TV And Film Orgy Of Pretty picspam

Amy Acker

Jennifer Aniston

Morena Baccarin

Amber Benson

David Boreanaz

Amanda Bynes

Charisma Carpenter

Sarah Chalke

Lauren Cohan

Holly Marie Combs

Courtney Cox Arquette

Patrick Dempsey

Alexis Denisof

Emily Deschanel

Zooey Deschanel (It's a big orgy. They can avoid each other.)

Eliza Dushku

Jennifer Garner

Lauren Graham

Alyson Hannigan

Lena Headey

Katherine Heigl

Famke Janssen

Scarlett Johansson

Angelina Jolie (mainly to make things awkward with Jennifer Aniston, for the lulz, and also because there's an unwritten rule that Angelina must always be on lists like this)

Yunjin Kim

Keira Knightley

Jane Leeves

Evangeline Lilly

Lori Laughlin

Julia Louis-Dreyfus

Alyssa Milano

Naoko Mori (she could go in the musical theatre entry too... oh well)

Parminder Nagra

Grace Park

Piper Perabo

Brooke Shields

Jewel Staite

David Tennant

Michelle Tratchenberg

Paula Trickey

Liv Tyler

Darlene Vogel

Kate Walsh

Kate Winslet

Reese Witherspoon

(Apologies if I've misspelled the name of anyone I'm not so familiar with. I'm sure the majority of my flist can guess which of these were my choices and which were lorrichan's... XD)

type: photos, fandom: all, type: droolage, fandom: miscellaneous, people: eden espinosa, people: teal wicks, people: naoko mori, type: picspam

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