Apologies for two depressing posts in a row, but this is important

Jul 11, 2008 15:36

I'm not usually the type to sign online petitions - they rarely make any difference - but I must make an exception for this.


On May 9th 2006, Autism Speaks launched a film entitled 'Autism Every Day'.

This film was alleged to depict the realities of autism, described by the film's Producer Lauren Thierry as:

"At this point we need to be showing the world what the vast reality truly is. [Lauren says]…that reality includes images of kids not sleeping through the night, banging their heads against the wall or running into traffic - not images of kids setting basketball records or passionately playing the violin."

It later transpired that the film had been 'set up' and that Thierry had purposefully attempted to display the worst possible view to the world:

"Thierry told her subjects not to do their hair, vacuum or bring in the therapists. She showed up with her crew at their homes sight unseen and kept the cameras rolling as a mom literally wrestled with her son to get him to brush his teeth, as a 9-year-old had a public meltdown, as a 5-year-old had his diaper changed. And, as moms revealed dark and uncomfortable truths about living with autism. The result is a window into an exhausting world of interminable work."

The film itself contained a segment where one of the mothers interviewed said that:

"I remember that was a scary moment for me when I realized I had sat in the car for about 15 minutes and actually contemplated putting Jody in the car and driving off the George Washington Bridge. That would be preferable to having to put her in one of these schools."

The mother in question made this statement whilst her autistic daughter was in the room with her. She further added that the only reason she didn't kill her autistic child and herself was the thought of her non-disabled daughter.

Producer Thierry called this section 'gutsy and courageous' and added that:

"If most mothers of autistic children…look hard enough within themselves they will find that they have played out a similar scenario in their minds. If this is not your reality, then God bless you."

Autism Speaks in notorious for this kind of bullshit, but what really horrified me is the quote from the mother saying that she wanted to kill her autistic daughter, and that all parents of autistic children feel the same way. I really, really have no words for that. I just want to cry because I cannot understand why this world is so fucked up.

I genuinely believe that the ONLY reason any parents see Autism as such a terrible thing that they would want to MURDER THEIR OWN CHILD is because of 'charities' like Autism Speaks presenting this vile propaganda as 'the truth'.

I don't know if signing this petition will make any difference whatsoever, but if signing it is the one thing we can do to voice our absolute disgust and horror at this, then dammit, SIGN IT. Please. All of you. Pass it along to everyone you know. Post it in your journal. BE OUTRAGED.


Unlocked, in the hopes of getting more people to see this and pass it along.

lj: public post, type: rants, issues: autism

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