Asylum 10, The Con with no name!

May 21, 2013 13:30

Friends, Romans, Fl”ters, lend me your ears, first of all a big thank goes to all you lovely people who sent me V-gifts and birthday wishes.  You guys are awesome!!!!!.

Now the reason for me disturbing your Tuesday, once again I’ve survived another visit to Asylum.  As usual if you are looking for an in depth analysis of another wonderfully nutty and manic con, then boy this ain’t the journal for you!

I’m here to sing the praises of the brave souls who attended and queued, and made this weekend a truly memorable experience.

Of course the panels were great, well the ones I caught between running round like a headless chicken, and harassing poor terrified souls who were brave enough to talk to me, were great.

Of those bewildered souls who found a short hobbit like creature, following them round whilst wittering. I must offer them my eternal thanks, firstly to a lovely lady by the name of Lilly, who had the patience of a saint and put up with me. Then onto dizzojay a woman of great talent both in her writing and her art....well how to describe my meeting with the awesomely talented dizzojay.

Yes, you know you’ve found a kindred spirit when, only the mention of Jensen’s bum or those broad shoulders (I refuse to go into the conversation, concerning nutella and said shoulders). Reduced two grown (And I mean physically grown, mentally we’re still about 14) women to gibbering wrecks.  Also how the concept of being in love with death, is perfectly acceptable in the Supernatural fandom. And I must agree Julian is utterly adorable, and has a truly wicked sense of humour but more on that a little later.

Now for those of a nervous disposition it’s time to head for the hills, as I inflict my photo ops from the con on you.  Oh and if there are any purists out there, I'm sorry.  I got a couple of these signed according to Sam who I work with, I have devalued my pictures forever by doing that.  As if I’d ever sell them, hell’s teeth I’d sell my mother first. She’s a lovely woman only one careful owner (my dad), and just lightly soiled.

Now *rubs hands gleefully* here we go.......

Ahh baby, ain't you a sight for sore eyes!  Yes the most important object in the universe, paid us a visit (just a shame Dean wasn't driving)

Now onto to another member of the Winchester clan....

Young John Winchester, so gorgeous, so firm, so bat shit crazy!  i love Matt he's awesome.... and did I mention firm?

And here we have another two members of the hunting community Kevin and Garth...

Osric is just the sweetest little chap, his face on Friday night when he was introduced to us, total rabbit in headlights!  And Dj is just getting cooler every time I see him, and possibly drunker too *G*

Now we're getting to the Supermatural creatures and let us begin with the end of all things....Death

Julian it totally wonderful, gives amazing hugs and when he went to sign this, his face lit up he laughed and said.  "This is wonderful, look at my face, it looks like you have done something very inappropriate!"

To which I replied with a look of innocence, "Who  me? As if I would do something like that." Probably with the same esxpression on my face, and Julian roared with laughter.

Ok onto a much missed and still mourned for character......

Gabriel you are still missed, and you know you really are kind of hot! And Richard and Matt together should come with a health warning *G*

And now ladies and fl*sters of all ages, The Man, The Myth....The Piss Head!  May I introduce Ty Olson!  A man who managed to reduce Doug to a nervous wreck within five minutes. A man who breezed through A10 on a gentle wave....well ok Tsunami of booze!

Would you just look at that face!  Butter wouldn't melt, it wouldn't have chance it would fry! He was wondeful, totally nutty and he does give a spectacular hug, and that twinkle in his eye... it was enough to make a grown fan girl weak at the knees.

So there you have it folks, all the fun of the Con! An just as a warning dizzojay gave me a few ideas for stories!!!!!!  Poor Jensen I see nakedness in your future and very possibly a rabidly protective Jared (her words about how I write, my Jared).

And before you escape gladly just to let you know, the madness will happen all over again! Misha announced Aslyum 12 by vid!  And attending will be himself, Mark, Ty and Jim!  You know i feel a new angel pic coming on....or another Ty hug.

Just in case you're wondering I've already brought my ticket, and the lovely steward who sold it me looked up and said, "I'm really sorry about the number.......69!"

My dear sweet innocent, you couldn't have sold me a better ticket if you tried!

So ladies buckle up, get the smelling salts I go again!

asylum, life, wibbling

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