Nov 23, 2014 20:28
Friends, Romans, Fl*sters, I’m scurrying by tonight to give you a quick update and an apology. Let’s start with the apology, I’m sorry I haven’t been around much and this state of affairs will continue for a while, as I’m desperately trying to write my reverse bang! As usual I’m fighting writer’s block, limited time and talent. But I’m enjoying myself and I’m hoping I will get this completed in time, or at least enough written to get it finished and posted. So fingers crossed.
Now the update, as you can tell I’m writing like a mad thing and then I suddenly remembered the festive season will soon be upon us! Yes I’m observant like that, now if you’d like a Christmas card please drop me a PM and I’ll get scribbling. I was thinking about trying to sort out some Supernatural themed cards, but I fear I’ve left it too late. But there’s always next year to have Dean on my Christmas cards....and I’ll just leave you with that image.
Now to round off it seems I might have found a new laptop! I’m lusting after a lovely Acer on Amazon, now the question is do I buy an extended warranty from them in case of disasters. Or should I just save up in case the laptop goes pffuuuttt? I appreciate all advice and comments in this matter.
Now if you’ll excuse me I’ve just left Jensen and Jared dealing with a hostage situation.
state of the dragon,