Friends, Romans, Fl*sters, I'm here tonight seeking you help and counsel. LJ has gone bloody strange on me, this morning as I logged on to check what had been happening on planet fangirl I got this mesage.....
Access Denied
Either you are trying to access a page you do no not have permission to
view or your ip address is banned. If you feel this is in error, please
email support at with the bulleted information
# /Client IP:
# Client User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:32.0)
Gecko/20100101 Firefox/32.0
# Error code: swlb-403
So I fired off an e mail and sadly had to go out for the day. When I returned I still couldn't log on, I changed my browser and nothing and then I switched my router on and off and suddenly hey presto LJ was back. Like a fool i let myself relax and then tonight as I checked my email I got this response from Frank and co.....
Thank you for your inquiry. This IP address was blocked because we noticed a large amount of malicious traffic originating from this IP address. As this block was affecting legitimate users of the site, we have temporarily unblocked this IP address, and you should now be able to access the site properly.
However, please be aware that should this malicious activity continue, we may re-ban the IP address in the future. In many cases, this activity is caused by a computer using the IP address unknowingly being infected with malware.
We therefore highly recommend that you make sure that your computer is current on all updates and that you perform a scan with the anti-virus or anti-malware programs of your choice. Additionally, you may wish to contact your ISP to inform them that there is high levels of suspicious activity on this IP, since they may be able to take preventative action as well.
LiveJournal Community Care Team
Ok now what the flying fuck!!!!!!!
So I did the scan and I've even rung Sky and told them about this. I even admitted that Steve's tablet doesn't have Anti Virus and could this be the problem, and according to Sky everything their end is fine. No inordinate amounts of suspicios malware attempting to throttle Frank to death, and they suggested I contact LJ and ask them what are they on about.
Have any of you had this problem before? And should I be worried that at any moment I'm going to loose you all....... Hang on I've gone faint, god what a horrible thought. Also hould I buy new anti virus for Steve's tablet
So before I vanish, can anyone help me?