Jan 18, 2008 19:49
wow the last two days have been beyond trying for me... ive been an er nurse for so long so much of it just seems second nature, but put me in new surrondings new protocols new rules, new colleagues and boy oh boy are things different.... ive never felt more incompetent at work... im trying hard to learn its just so much im sure i will eventually pick things up problem is i get 6 shifts to do it and two are gone already :(
had a rough section the last few days seriously sick people icu pt after icu pt more icu pts in the last two days then i had in the last two months at genesys crazy but learning alot so that helps
im completely exhausted mentally and physically but it feels good to be back at work. I got my tb test today and my arm is beyond huge with a reaction...Im thinking its just a allergic reaction but time will tell it really hurts bad its never hurt like this before :(
had a ton of help today at work so that made it go easier and had only 2 pts most of the day which also helped lol dont know how ill keep up with 4 i have to learn the computer system better it takes up so much time and we have constant orders from drs what a pain in the butt!
I miss my daughter so much... havent heard from her in a few days and it makes it rough I just hope shes doing well.... I so wish I could spend some time with her its amazing how much I miss her.
I also miss brian but when i called tonight i miss him a little less haha... he was sooo beyond grumpy hes leaving for fl tomorrow they packed the truck but couldnt fit everything so alot of stuff is being left at the house :( His tractor he rebuilt my antique tables and a bunch of other stuff... he was beyond grumpy and yelling at me cuz he had so much to do and hes all alone... but I dont know what I was supposed to do... hate it when hes so grumpy
anyways gonna go lay down im exhausted starved waiting for trina to come home so I can eat lol... she says she has something special cant wait haha I will seriously miss her and KK when they leave its been really nice this week spending time with them. I love them both dearly I think trina got some bookings for sunday so they will be leaving tomorrow :( bummer KK is doing mine and brendas hair tomorrow excited about that also :D
anyhoo checking out for now
peace out