Sep 02, 2006 08:37
Well hmmm what a week work wasnt as busy as it has been still busy crazy busy but not hectic pull ur hair out wanna die instead of going to work crazy lol
I got cancelled tues and wed 4 hrs tues and 2 on wed :D which was a nice change
just made simple meals all week I have to say I hate the drive to and from work but I LOVE living out here :D its sooooooo nice
and just being with Brian all the time is great :)
Yesterday morning I got up and found a card in my purse a swweeeet romantic card matter of fact its so sweet I have to type what it says haha
it said
Soemtimes when I look at you I can hardly believer you're mine
I think about how attractive you are how caring and sensitive how interesting and funny and I can hardly believe that out of this whole world of people I was lucky enough to find you
Sometimes when I look at you I remember what it was like in the beginning when we were just getting to know each other
I'll never foreget the nervous excitement I used to feel everytime I saw you and I smile everytime I relive the tenderness of our very first kiss
Sometimes when I look at you I get lost in memories of special times we've shared in daydreams of the happiness we've yet to discover together. Every time I look at you I realize how much I love the love we share and how very much I love you!
then he wrote Im so glad we finally got you all moved in it was a lot of work but well worth it. Im very happy and hope u feel the same and have no regrets Love you Brian
so yah that started the day out really nice :D then I went and met him for lunch and we went out to pickeney for dinner it was a really nice night :D
Today Lynn is coming over I will be the beer / food wench all day lol
Ash is leaving to go to ft mac so wont be able to talk to her for a few days :( cries
gonna go tan and work out later also today other then that got nothing much planned but cleaning house and being a great beer wench lol