Hmm, I'm pretty sure this is just a cry in the dark with almost nobody seeing / hearing it and even fewer giving a damn, but I don't have anybody to discuss this with, so I'm just gonna post...
I loved the last (E4S25) episode of Bones. And lots of people did, obviously, but some still have some issues with inconsistency of characters etc, which I don't agree with.
So these are my views on them.
1. "Brennan decided on the whim during word association game that she wants a baby and she wants it with Booth." Well, I don't think it was a whim. I think she was pondering the question of her own child and the association made her realize that she really wants it and that she wants Booth to be the father...
2. "She is incapable of emotions, she would be a terrible mother." She is capable of emotions, she just thinks that love, as a chemical reaction in a brain, is not sufficient reason to create a bond with a person, and is absolutely not necessary for having rich and fulfilling sex life. In other words "Don't require love when you actually only want the sex." Brennan is not very emphatic, but she is affectionate and caring.
3. "Booth regrets having too little time with his son and even preached to a high-school boy about the responsibility for producing children so he wouldn't just donate and not care." Yes, that's true. But nowhere in the episode he is saying that he would just donate the semen and that would be the end of it. It seems to me that in almost every conversation where Brennan's future baby was discussed he actually hinted that he would like to be a dad, not just the father.
I haven't seen the preview for the last episode, so I am really curious about the season finale... One week to go... Whoa! Horse... ;o)