School Shooting

Feb 16, 2008 14:59

Unless you live under a rock, you've heard about the school shooting at NIU.  It really has saddened me.  I took that particular class in that lecture hall.  I remember how much I disliked that hall because the bathrooms were virtually impossible to find and it was always really hot.  I also remember that I tended to blow off that class too since it was Ocean Science and the teacher didn't take attendance.  I also had a lot of trouble caring about a class about ocean science.

I'm watching the videos and looking at the pictures of the campus and remember every place that was there.  I could basically picture where I would have been if that shooting had happened 3 years ago.  I would have been 2 buildings over in the education library or computer lab.  It scares me that something like this can happen so close to where I live.

The thing that makes the most mad is the Westboro Baptist Church and their protesting of the vigils and the funerals.  They did it at Virginia Tech and they did it at the Lane Bryant shootings.  I don't even know how they can call themselves a church.

I know that the blame game is going to be starting soon.  What could they have done...why didn't they take this threat seriously?  Northern had police officers there within 29 seconds of the first call.  I know that campus well enough that there would have been police in the student center and the police station is about a block away.  You can see the student center from Cole Hall.  Unless they lock down every building in the campus and require key cards and metal detectors (which would be virtually impossible to implement) they can't do any more prevention.  Northern was prepared.  They locked down the campus for that threat in December.  The other threat claimed something was going to happen sometime in February.  What was the campus going to do...shut down for the whole month of February?  I don't even think that stricter gun control laws would help given the killer had no criminal record or history of violence.

This is a horrible horrible event that couldn't be prevented, it only can be dealt with.    
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