Let's all sign up for the Silver Ring pledge

May 23, 2005 23:01

As I was driving to NIU for the 4th day in the row at 7:30 in the morning, I found myself listening to talk radio...which I never do. They were talking about Bush's new abstinence only program, The Silver Ring pledge. Students are supposed to sign this card and they get this silver ring and they pledge to abstain from sex before marriage. They are not taught about condoms or birth control or STD's. Now, I see a few flaws in this program.

1. It doesn't matter what these kids sign, they're still gonna have sex.

2. If they don't have vaginal sex, then they're having oral and anal sex, and therefore contracting STD's

3. The program has an 88% failure rate, or a 12% success rate if you look at it from Dubya's POV.

4. At a recent blood drive in Chicago Public Schools (where the aforementioned program is being taught) 40% of the students who donated blood had STD's. And I mean HIV and syphillis.

I could continue. I think my point is that everyone has sex. I bet our president had sex before he was married.

OH, and there was some other thingy about protecting your heart. The creator of this program said that if his daughter came to him and said she was going to have sex, he would tell her not to use a condom because it won't protect her heart. I guess her body doesn't matter.
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