Phoenix was pretty boss awesome, what are you talking about... -- Oh... Oh. I see.
A lot of people are downing X-3, but I liked it a lot. Except for Angel, considering this is the final one why would they introduce a new character with no real purpose or potential? It's like "Oookay." THEY COULD HAVE USED THAT TIME GIVING PSYLOCKE SOME SCREEN TIME, WTF. Liked Storm, liked Wolverine, of course Juggernaut's spot was awesome -- Scott was wow. They really went to the bathroom on him, but overall if I had to score it I'd say it was a B+. Whereas Da Vinci Code was a C-.
Because Xavier comes back..? They could easily leave off there. I heard only 2 of them were contracted for an additional movie, and it def wasn't all of them since Halle said it'd be her last.
A lot of people are downing X-3, but I liked it a lot. Except for Angel, considering this is the final one why would they introduce a new character with no real purpose or potential? It's like "Oookay." THEY COULD HAVE USED THAT TIME GIVING PSYLOCKE SOME SCREEN TIME, WTF. Liked Storm, liked Wolverine, of course Juggernaut's spot was awesome -- Scott was wow. They really went to the bathroom on him, but overall if I had to score it I'd say it was a B+. Whereas Da Vinci Code was a C-.
I loved Beast though. Beast and Pyro.
they're contracted for 5 and if you stayed after the credits there's no way this could be the last one.
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