Mar 25, 2006 01:19
i am going to be in a spelling bee(or should i say spelling be?). so that's weird.
i thought it was today, but my round isn't until tuesday. after watching the first round today, i have realized i will lose because i am not good at things like spelling. that makes it very funny for me to be in a spelling bee, i think.
tonight at work i called a livesaver(as in the candy) a lightsabre. that is not correct. i think i will win the "Silly Rogers Video Employee of the Year" award. actually, i think i'm in the running for that award already after mistaking a nintendo gamecube microphone for a stick of dynamite on wednesday. ask me in person and i'll tell you the whole story concerning that one.
my family is all asleep. i don't know where i get my insomnia genes from.
oh wait, yes i do---from caffeine.
i have to remember to send that nice car accident lady a thank-you card. and by nice car accident lady, i mean the lady who calmed me down and was nice to me after i crashed my van into a pole. do people still send thank-you cards? i don't know...i think i'm going to, anyway.
the coffee crisp bars from my store are very stale. that's sort of gross. i am realizing this right now, as i eat one. maybe i should mention this to my manager.
i haven't gone crazy and bought senseless things in forever! and i get paid tomorrow!
coincidence? je ne pense pas.
Colby in Dolby tomorrow. wow, i'm a big fan of things that rhyme.
i can't tell whether or not i spelt the word "rhyme" right in that last line.
that does not make for a spelling bee champion. no siree.
you know what was 18 different kinds of hilarious? urinetown. bobby strong is abe lincohn.
a cute boy has taken my french binder hostage.
and i'm happy.