I figured I should really post this here and open it up to discussion since I've been such a bad mod and abandoned you guys since the finale. I still <3 you!
Jamie was interviewed by
3xcusemyfrench at the Jules Verne Festival and, among other things, he had this to say about Lee & Kara's ending:
"...And Kara, who's like a sister, a lover, she disappears and he understands for the first time that she was always there, for him. To guide him. A friend, an angel."
"At the end, he understands. She's his angel."
"And when Kara leaves Lee. It's confusing as all hell but there's something beautiful about it that he just embraces. It's like a moment where a loved one dies. And...you're not talking to them anymore but you've got their totality. Because you...they live in you. And they are part of you, and that's what happens with Lee and Kara. I think he realizes that they were one, they were one...person."
Check out all of Jamie's answers here. Feel free to discuss, sob, add to your Jamie Bamber shrine. You know, whatever floats your boat. ;)