
Jan 04, 2009 21:26

The past year has for all of us had its up and downs. I have seen people part company and others get together. Friendships have been broken where new friendships have been made. I have got to meet some new people and get to know other people better. I now know people better and understand their point of view better. Others on the other hand I don't think I will ever be able to understand them and for that we have parted ways and will probably never see or speak to one another again. The past year has seen people advance in many ways and I don't think looking back anyone has really gone backwards they may have strayed that way but I do believe they are still up with the rest of us. The past year has been good for me and I bought somethings that made both me and several others happy (but remember money is not everything) and they will make things better and allow people to advance to the next level which should make everyones life easy. The friends that I have made and continued to know have enriched my life and knowledge and I hope over the next year we can continue to move forward and make eveyones life better.

The resolution for this year:-
After much thought I think it is to not offer help or advise in anyway unless I am asked. I know this sounds harsh and in some ways it is but I am getting tired of wasting my time and my breath on people or things to either be ignored or taken for granted.
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