today i decided it was a good day to load all 5 of my homecoming pictures off of my camera. i like this one a lot and because i like it a lot, im posting it.... so there.
i love him sooo much! <3
i also love that tomorrow is my second from last day of swim.
and i love how i have a crap load of stuff due tomorrow.
and i love gatorade.
and i really love that i get to see garrett on sunday!!!!
but i hate mac n cheese because kraft changed their cheese recipe and it tastes gross now.
oh and... UPDATE: i hate my new pillow and am much happier with my life now that i have switched back to the old one. i really hate getting new pillow. this new one had feathers inside so the part i slept on was always very flat by the time morning came around....i like my old one better.