Honestly, I don't remember much of 2010. Still, I remember more of it than 2009 so I guess that's something.
Looking back at past blog entries, I think the most change this year occurred at work. For one, I'm up to full-time which is fan-fucking-tastic! And I've outlasted a bunch of coworkers... James gone... Vincent gone... Tiffany Bell (sorta) gone... Nataleen gone... I'm the most seniortacular person on night shift. Both fun and scary, since I have to be at least passingly responsible. It's easy with Penny, who adorably panics over the smallest things, but harder with James. He'll talk back when I try to correct him in something, not realizing that I wouldn't be doing it if he wasn't doing it wrong.
I traded Trucky in for Karty, and only infrequently regret doing so. Mostly when the weather turns bad. The loan is almost halfway paid off, and the insurance surcharges are gone. Unfortunately my credit card is back to crying in pain when I use it. Because of buying Helo, and all the bills associated with a new puppy... plus a new computer.... my brother is still paying me back.
Helobeans totally disproved my thing about boy dogs, by the way. He's an adorable cuddlemuffin.
Speaking of which, my romantic prospects with Matt waxed and waned. I'm pretty sure we'll just stay friends, since I haven't actually seen him in ages. My crush on Constable McHotty will undoubtedly remain so, particularly since my reasons for crushing on him are a, he's cute and b, he plays World of Warcraft.
I still really hate conflict, but I'm starting to deal with stuff better. Gabs and I didn't fight as much this year (I think?), and we're starting to find better ways to resolve stuff. XSG has fluxuated as an interest. Sometimes I'm really into it and other times I'm really not.
Dollwise- since I know that's the part you guys care about ^_^ - there have been quite a few changes too. Dylan arrived at the beginning of the year after a fairly quick turn around and over the course of it evolved into a little adorable rockstar... not edgy, but a rockstar nonetheless. Lily was finally re-shelled from an AoD Rao into a MNF Lishe. There was some trouble with her faceup (sadface!) but it all turned out alright. Meggilu did a fantastic job, and even though I only had a vague idea of what I wanted it she turned out perfectly. Aya stayed relatively the same, though she's now lent her crazy wine-colored wig to Lily and is sporting a brown fur wig. The floating Elf Shushu head finally got a name, Theo, but I don't think she'll be getting a body for her own any time soon.
In March/April, Puki-Puki Melody got sold off, and her character reshelled as a Littlefee. I still need to work on her wig, shoe and clothing situation. And in December I succumbed to the adorableness and bought myself a Pukifee Luna (and then had to resist buying a ton more of Pukifees while waiting for her). I love her to bits, but the wig she came with is getting replaced very very soon.
I didn't get anything particularly interesting (to me, anyway) in my Dollheart Fukubukuro. :( And I haven't sold much.
My trip to Vancouver was memorable, and so much fun. The Van Dusen meet was amazing, and shopping around Vancouver would only have been better if I hadn't done it solo. I will be making a return visit to the Richmond Night Market, for takoyaki alone. I loved spending time with my aunt Eileen. This year I hope to go visit my brother, sister-in-law and nephews in Kelowna if I can.
I don't have any resolutions for the New Year, just things I'd maybe like to do.
- Get a MNF Rheia.
- Visit Vancouver.
- Visit Kelowna.
- Go to another doll meet.
- Have Takoyaki.
- Get a new camera lens.
- Get an iPhone.
- Wear Makeup more often.
- Help around the house a little more.
- Make more roleplay posts, faster than I currently do.
- Take more pictures.
- Get my full license.
- Clean/Tidy my room.
- Maybe (MAYBE) go to the gym (preferably with someone who knows what they're doing...
- If not the above, go swimming more.
- Or skating...
Just a rough list, not resolutions... and I should probably stop before this thing gets any longer. ^__^;;
Happy New Year, Everyone!